Find Help for Addiction in Chautauqua County

Chautauqua County

Addiction Services Locator

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For comments or questions about this database, please contact CombatAddictionCHQ.

The Addiction Services Locator is provided as a resource of information about services.  Inclusion of a service in the Locator does not constitute an endorsement of these services.   Information accessed through the Addiction Services Locator is provided “AS IS” and without any warranty or endorsement, either expressed or implied, related to the information contained in or resulting services from any of the information listed.  Use of this website, including the Addiction Services Locator, and/or any resulting communication related to its content, to locate, contact, or receive services is wholly voluntary and in no event shall Chautauqua County or its agents or employees be liable for damages to any user of the Locator.